The xIntentId tracks the lifecycle of a payment intent. Below is a table outlining the different statuses that an xIntentId can have during the payment process and what each status indicates.

CREATEDThe payment intent has been successfully created, but no payment has been initiated yet.
SUCCESSThe payment was processed successfully, and the transaction is complete.
FAILEDThe payment attempt failed due to various possible reasons (e.g., insufficient funds, declined by the issuer, or a technical error).
REFUNDEDThe payment was processed successfully but has since been refunded, either partially or fully, based on merchant or customer request.
DISPUTEDThe payment is under dispute, meaning the customer or merchant has raised a concern regarding the transaction, often leading to a chargeback claim.
DISPUTE_WONThe dispute was resolved in favor of the merchant, meaning the chargeback claim has been settled successfully, and the funds remain with the merchant.

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