How to accept payments?

xPay Payment Flow Architecture

This diagram illustrates the integration flow for processing payments through xPay. The architecture involves three key components: the Merchant Server, Merchant Frontend, and xPay’s Server and Client systems. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the payment process:


Payment Intent (Merchant Server → xPay Server)

The payment process begins when the Merchant Server initiates a request to the xPay Server to create a payment intent. This intent encapsulates the necessary details for the payment, such as the amount, currency, and other transaction metadata. See all the details in xPay APIs.


Receive Payment Intent (xPay Server → Merchant Server)

Once the payment intent is successfully created, the xPay Server responds to the Merchant Server with a unique identifier for the payment, known as the xIntentId. This identifier will be used to track the payment throughout the process.


Forward Intent data (Merchant Server → Merchant Frontend)

The Merchant Server forwards the fwdUrl to the Merchant Frontend, which is responsible for managing the user interface that initiates the payment.


Redirect to xPay Client (Merchant Frontend → xPay Client)

Upon user interaction (e.g., clicking Pay Now), the Merchant Frontend redirects the customer to the xPay Client by using the fwdUrl. This redirection allows xPay to handle the actual payment process, presenting the user with various payment options and methods. See all the methods here Payment Methods


Process Payment & Return Metadata (xPay Client → Merchant Frontend)

After the payment is processed, the xPay Client redirects the user back to the Merchant Frontend, providing the xIntentId and any relevant metadata.

Now, you can check the payment status by contacting your server, which will communicate with xPay’s server to verify the status using the xIntentId.

Key Components

  • Merchant Server: Handles backend operations like creating payment intents and processing the xIntentId received from xPay.
  • Merchant Frontend: Manages the user interface, enabling users to initiate payments and receive feedback on the payment status.
  • xPay Server: Responsible for generating the payment intent and returning the xIntentId to the Merchant Server.
  • xPay Client: Manages the user’s payment journey, providing them with payment options and returning transaction metadata after payment processing.

This flow ensures a smooth, secure, and efficient integration for handling payments via xPay, with minimal friction on the user’s end. Each step is designed to maintain clarity, streamline transaction handling, and facilitate a seamless experience for both developers and users.